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Summary: (CO-WRITTEN w/ SCARLETT) She lives like a daredevil stuntwoman. . He has secrets bound to duties in his family. They met in a usual circumstance but neither thought that it could change their lives forever. Read the enchanting yet unusual story of Xenia and Nick in this story of romantic love.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 17
Completed: No
Word count: 23140
Read: 27766
Published: 02/28/05
Updated: 04/25/05

1. ONE by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1298 words)

2. TWO by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1062 words)

3. THREE by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1340 words)

4. FOUR by axianbeauty [ - ] (1486 words)

5. FIVE by axianbeauty [ - ] (1514 words)

6. SIX by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1777 words)

7. SEVEN by axianbeauty [ - ] (1015 words)

8. EIGHT by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1697 words)

9. NINE by axianbeauty [ - ] (1449 words)

10. TEN by axianbeauty [ - ] (1003 words)

11. ELEVEN by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1438 words)

12. TWELVE by axianbeauty [ - ] (1396 words)

13. THIRTEEN by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1731 words)

14. FOURTEEN by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1369 words)

15. FIFTEEN by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1049 words)

16. SIXTEEN by axianbeauty [ - ] Liked (1362 words)

17. SEVENTEEN by axianbeauty [ - ] (1154 words)