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Summary: When she had first tryed to keep them safe it was only for their own good, but now she was trying to keep them safe from the man that had caused her the most pain. Can they finally be a family and survive what lays a head of them?
Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Drama, Suspense, Adventure, Supernatural
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: No
Word count: 9124
Read: 12042
Published: 04/08/05
Updated: 04/12/05

1. Ch 1 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1766 words)

2. Ch 2 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1847 words)

3. Ch 3 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1284 words)

4. Ch 4 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1269 words)

5. Ch 5 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1181 words)

6. Ch 6 by AJsSweety [ - ] (424 words)

7. Ch 7 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1353 words)