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Summary: What if the battle between Obi Wan and Anakin hadn;t happened at least not yet. And things were different. Padme still died but now Anakin was still Lord Vader. Now finding another Skywalker, The force will never be the same
Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Science Fiction
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 10746
Read: 22634
Published: 07/11/05
Updated: 07/11/05

1. CHapter 1 by AJsSweety [ - ] (2028 words)

2. Chapter 2 by AJsSweety [ - ] (2466 words)

3. CHapter 3 by AJsSweety [ - ] (670 words)

4. CHapter 4 by AJsSweety [ - ] (601 words)

5. CHapter 5 by AJsSweety [ - ] (542 words)

6. CHapter 6 by AJsSweety [ - ] (769 words)

7. CHapter 7 by AJsSweety [ - ] (495 words)

8. CHapter 8 by AJsSweety [ - ] (765 words)

9. CHapter 9 by AJsSweety [ - ] (575 words)

10. CHapter 10 by AJsSweety [ - ] (1167 words)

11. CHapter 11 by AJsSweety [ - ] (668 words)