Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Completed: No
Word count: 16350
Read: 24533
Published: 09/22/05
Updated: 04/08/06
1. Prolog by AJsSweety [ - ] (218 words)
2. Finding Clues by AJsSweety [ - ] (310 words)
3. Nothings Adding Up by AJsSweety [ - ] (2226 words)
4. A New Scene by AJsSweety [ - ] (1085 words)
5. The New Team by AJsSweety [ - ] (2122 words)
6. New Victim by AJsSweety [ - ] (1766 words)
7. The Agenda by AJsSweety [ - ] (1126 words)
8. The Press Conference by AJsSweety [ - ] (1403 words)
9. The Funeral by AJsSweety [ - ] (1975 words)
10. To Catch a Killer by AJsSweety [ - ] (1183 words)
11. Returning from the Dead by AJsSweety [ - ] (1153 words)
12. Offcier Down by AJsSweety [ - ] (1783 words)