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Sequel To Gone Country Brian and Jordan are still happily in love, But tragic struck as Logan, who is now six, and his little brother Baylee were kidnapped. It is up to Brian and Jordan to follow the clues in order to get their children back safely. But what they didnt know id the kidnapper is someone close to them- very close indeed


*** Permanent HIATUS***

Rated: PG
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 3580
Read: 12516
Published: 01/25/06
Updated: 07/22/06

1. Prologue by Carter [ - ] Liked (276 words)

2. Chapter One :: Baylee's Brithday Party :: by Carter [ - ] Liked (526 words)

3. Chapter Two :: Middle Of The Night :: by Carter [ - ] Liked (766 words)

4. Chapter Three :: A Letter :: by Carter [ - ] Liked (765 words)

5. Chapter Four :: The Decision :: by Carter [ - ] Liked (633 words)

6. Chapter Five :: The Hat :: by Carter [ - ] Liked (614 words)
Sorry this chapter is so short....but don't worry the next one will be longer.