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Summary: Co-Written With Veronica

Anna Weathers and Rachel Green are assigned to follow Nick Carter and his friend Brent because they are selling illegal drugs from Mr.Larios at the headquarters of Jive. Once Brent gets caught Nick goes to Anna for help but does Anna hide Nick or turn him into the cops?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: Yes
Word count: 13822
Read: 15760
Published: 02/24/06
Updated: 02/24/06

1. Chapter One by Carter [ - ] (662 words)

2. Chapter Two by Carter [ - ] (762 words)

3. Chapter Three by Carter [ - ] (424 words)

4. Chapter Four by Carter [ - ] (1057 words)

5. Chapter Five by Carter [ - ] (835 words)

6. Chapter Six by Carter [ - ] (848 words)

7. Chapter Seven by Carter [ - ] (607 words)

8. Chapter Eight by Carter [ - ] (1091 words)

9. Chapter Nine by Carter [ - ] (1044 words)

10. Chapter Ten by Carter [ - ] (693 words)

11. Chapter Eleven by Carter [ - ] (793 words)

12. Chapter Twelve by Carter [ - ] (769 words)

13. Chapter Thirteen by Carter [ - ] (686 words)

14. Chapter Fourteen by Carter [ - ] (916 words)

15. Chapter Fifteen by Carter [ - ] (370 words)

16. Chapter Sixteen by Carter [ - ] (558 words)

17. Chapter Seventeen by Carter [ - ] (506 words)

18. Chapter Eighteen by Carter [ - ] (1201 words)