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Past Featured StorySummary:
Everyone knows that a child's heart gives one of the purest forms of love. They love without knowing how, when, or why. They love unconditionally and selflessly. They love for who someone is, not for what they can achieve out of that love. They cherish those who they love the most, refusing to part with them under any circumstances. And, through a harrowing journey, it takes a child's broken heart to show Brian and Nick just how important true love can be.
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian, Group, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 59
Completed: No
Word count: 354187
Read: 125210
Published: 07/23/06
Updated: 05/09/08

0. Awards by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (53 words)
I was going to wait until the story was completed before doing this. However, seeing as I am rather forgetful, I decided it would be best to do it now. :-)

1. One : Help Me by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5415 words)
Just wanted to say very quickly that it is my supreme honor to be co-writing another story with Anastacia. That she even wants to collaborate with me just warms the cockles of my heart. She is a very talented author, and having her as a friend, confidant, and co-writer is more than I could ever ask for.

2. Two : Little Assistant by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4793 words)
We greatly appreciate all of the wonderful feedback we have received. If we could we would hug you all and give you candy. But, since we can't do that, we decided to update :) Thanks again ~ shrinkingviolet (Jo)

3. Three : Encouraging Comforts by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (2940 words)
Again, thanks for all the wonderful feedback. It warms the cockles of our hearts, honestly. :D

4. Four : A Real Girl by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5080 words)
Last update for this week - My Summer Theater Workshop is just about to start dress rehearsal and everything for our first performance this weekend *is nervous*, so I won't be able to update again until early next week. Enjoy, and thanks again for all of the wonderful reviews.

5. Five : Chasing Temptations by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4896 words)
Sorry about the lapse in updates. Had to get the summer semester out of the way and all that, and now I have several months ahead to do nothing but write. That is, as long as people want me to. And, as long as Anastacia wants to continue writing with me... Anyways, enjoy :)

6. Chapter Six :: Raining Adoration by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5434 words)

7. Chapter Seven :: More Than Expected by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5745 words)

8. Chapter Eight :: Sweet Surprises by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7589 words)

9. Chapter Nine :: The Perfect Date by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (6850 words)
I'm in such a giving mood, I decided to update with two chapters tonight. ;-)

10. Chapter Ten :: Coming Home by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5370 words)
Happy Sunday! :-)

11. Chapter Eleven :: Love Like No Other by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7336 words)

12. Chapter Twelve :: Waiting for Hope by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5452 words)

13. Chapter Thirteen :: Needing Her by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5317 words)
Whoops, I had the chapter number wrong. Sorry 'bout that. :)

14. Chapter Fourteen :: Vying for Attention by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4277 words)

15. Chapter Fifteen :: Buying Her the World by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7282 words)
What? Update in the middle of the week? *gasp* :) Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed, and to whomever got us on the Featured Stories list.

16. Chapter Sixteen :: Pleased to Tease by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (6671 words)

17. Chapter Seventeen :: Family Ties by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (6837 words)

18. Chapter Eighteen :: Bargaining by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4665 words)
Sorry I have been neglecting the updates lately. Have had problems with my internet connection. So, as an apology, here are the next five chapters. :-)

19. Chapter Nineteen :: Capturing Her Essence by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7947 words)

20. Chapter Twenty :: Past Regrets by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4085 words)

21. Chapter Twenty-One :: What He Knew All Along by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7043 words)

22. Chapter Twenty-Two :: Against His Will by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (2996 words)

24. Twenty-Three :: Contrary to Popular Belief by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5953 words)
Whoops, sorry for the delay. Was busy with NaNo during November, and now that's out of the way I'll be updating more regularly. Thanks so much for all of the wonderful reviews, we really appreciate it! :)

25. Twenty-Four :: Righting Wrongs by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (6284 words)
Boo-ya! Two chapters in an update! And more coming! :)

26. Twenty-Five :: Family Ties by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (6984 words)
Last update for tonight. Will be back in a few days with more. :)

27. Twenty-Six :: Painful Confessions by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5154 words)

28. Twenty-Seven :: Stirring the Ruckus by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5122 words)

29. Twenty-Eight :: Nursing the Wounded by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (4702 words)

30. Twenty-Nine :: Mending Hearts by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7546 words)

31. Thirty :: Shattered by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7596 words)

32. Thirty-One :: Wishing Wellness by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7191 words)

33. Thirty-Two :: We'll Make It by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (7703 words)

34. Thirty-Three :: For The Rest of Time by shrinkingviolet [ - ] Liked (5814 words)

35. Thirty-Four :: Plans and Promises by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5662 words)
*sheepish* I've been horrible, haven't I? I've neglected this story for so long. So, in apology, I present you with the next 3 chapters. :)

36. Thirty Five :: Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6390 words)

37. Thirty-Six :: Working Together by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (8536 words)

38. Thirty-Seven :: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (10052 words)

39. Thirty-Eight :: Saying it to Him by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6942 words)

40. Thirty-Nine :: Defying Odds by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6191 words)

41. Forty :: Building Confidence by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (7325 words)

42. Forty-One :: The Right Way by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (8005 words)

43. Forty-Two :: Shining Stars by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6946 words)

44. Forty-Three :: Ultimatum by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (4733 words)

45. Forty-Four :: Perfect Places by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (8445 words)

46. Forty-Five :: Temporary Goodbyes by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5399 words)

47. Forty-Six :: Murder of Mojo by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5489 words)

48. Forty-Seven by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (7679 words)

49. Forty-Eight by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5959 words)

50. Forty-Nine by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6783 words)

51. Fifty by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (4362 words)

52. Fifty-One by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6514 words)
Thanks to all who have been reviewing. We really appreciate all the support. And, just so you all know, it's my (shrinkingviolet) fault for the lack of updates. *cough* Sorry 'bout that. :)

53. Fifty-Two by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5396 words)

54. Fifty-Three by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (6767 words)

55. Fifty-Four by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (7320 words)

56. Fifty-Five by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (4682 words)
Score! An update! ;)

57. Fifty-Six by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (4698 words)

58. Fifty-Seven by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (5861 words)

59. Fifty-Eight by shrinkingviolet [ - ] (3929 words)