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Summary: After losing her family, the tragedy kept haunting her. She was her only trusted guardian but that trust was soon betrayed. In came Dean and Sam, the miracle she was hoping for. But would it be too late to save her?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > TV Series > Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Horror, Supernatural
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes
Word count: 28712
Read: 17747
Published: 07/24/06
Updated: 08/04/06

1. Chapter 1 by Gal1015 [ - ] Liked (2128 words)
Special thanks to the Winchester Brothers for inspiring me to make this story. This is not the best Supernatural fanfic so far but i'll try to improve on my future Supernatural writings. Reviews and comments are highly appreciated, thank you!

2. Chapter 2 by Gal1015 [ - ] Liked (3850 words)
Hope you guys like it and reviews are highly appreciated, thanks!

3. Chapter 3 by Gal1015 [ - ] Liked (2874 words)
Thanks for the reviews and support, i'll try my best to improve in my writing. In the meantime, Chapter 3 is right up! Reviews/comments are highly appreciated!

4. Chapter 4 by Gal1015 [ - ] (4550 words)
Chapter 4 is up and i hope to hear more of your reviews/comments on my story so that i can improve more on it. Your reviews are highly appreciated and thanks in advance for spending some time reading this!

5. Chapter 5 by Gal1015 [ - ] (2740 words)
Hope you like it and yes, as usual reviews are highly appreciated! Thanks!

6. Chapter 6 by Gal1015 [ - ] (2995 words)
Hi Supreme Overlord! Thanks for dropping by and yeah, i can see that my story is pretty long and since English is NOT my first language too so i hope in a way what i am trying to describe and tell the readers are quite understandable and readable. hee... Anyway, Chapter 6 is up and its dedicated to everyone who takes the time to read it. Reviews are highly appreciated and thanks in advance!

7. Chapter 7 by Gal1015 [ - ] (3314 words)
The final 2 chapters are coming right up and right now i'm working on another destination [sequel] of the Winchester Brothers... VOICES DEEP WITHIN is coming soon...

8. Chapter 8 by Gal1015 [ - ] (6261 words)
Finally "The Guardian" is completed and thanks for reading it and for your kind reviews...