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“Roxi, what are you doing I asked you to watch this!” I said pushing my sister to the side, “you burnt my chicken!” I exclaimed taking the burnt chicken out of the oven.

“I thought you said a half hour?” Roxi said looking puzzled over my shoulder.

“Yeah, I said that three half hours ago! What were you doing?”

“I was…listening to music,” she said hunching her shoulders

“What are we going to do? They’re going to be here any minute!” I said looking at the clock that hung over the stove,

“I got it! How about Chinese?” she said snapping her fingers

“I was supposed to cook,” I said throwing the dishtowel on the counter

“Listen, we just have to improvise,” she said gingerly placing her hand on my shoulder,

“Wow Roxi, you know what improvise means?” I said sarcastically.

“Laura, no need to be hateful-- is that them?” she said turning to the loud knock at the door.

“Oh no, they’re early aren’t they?” I said busying myself

“Hey Rox,” I heard a voice say, “Sorry, we’re actually a little early,” Nick said as I turned around

“Yeah, just a little,” Roxi said nodding her head towards me

“So what’s for dinner?” AJ said leaning down and kissing Roxi on the cheek.

“Well…” Roxi’s cheeks turn red with embracement

“Yeah, about dinner, Roxi let it burn,” I said scratching the back of my head

“Laura!” Roxi said glaring at me,

“That’s not a surprise,” AJ smirked

“Don’t worry about it, we can get Chinese or something,” Nick said smiling.

“That’s a great idea!” I said brushing off my sleeves

“Hey, when I said that you said…”

“Not now Roxi,” I said glaring at her

AJ made a noise with the back of his throat and Roxi and I turned our heads to him, “I’m guessing you must be Laura then?” he said lowering his shades,

“Yes, and you must be AJ?” I said and outstretching my hand to him, “Roxi’s always been bad at introducing,”

Roxi mumbled something under her breath then rolled her eyes,

“It’s alright,” AJ smiled, “You guys had your hands full,”

“There’s this awesome little Chinese restaurant down by the beach, how about there?” said Nick

I sat across from my sister and AJ, and watched them laugh at each other’s fortune cookies,

“Wait, mine says, “May you find happiness and love,’” AJ said reading his fortune cookie out loud,

“AJ, don’t you know that you’re supposed to end every fortune with “in bed’” Roxi laughed hysterically

“Oh,” AJ said sitting back in his chair, “So mine actually says “May you find happiness and love in bed?’” AJ said lifting his brow

“Well don’t we all wish that?” Roxi giggled

“Nice Rox,” I said rolling my eyes

“So what does yours say Roxi?” AJ said leaning his arm on the table

“You are a very talented person,” Roxi said mischievously

“In bed,” AJ said cocking his head,

“Wouldn’t you like to know!” she giggling,

I looked over at Nick how looked about as enthralled with Roxi and AJ’s conversation as I did. He saw me looking at him from the corner of his eye and winked at me; I blushed like a sixteen-year-old and put my face down. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and looked up to meet his beautiful blue eyes,

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?” he whispered leaning into me,

I nodded my head, and he pulled out my seat,

“We’ll be back in a minute,” he said nodding to AJ

“Don’t hurry back,” AJ winked at Nick and then turned his full attention back to my sister.

“They seem to like each other-- thank you,” I said as he opened the door for me.

“Yeah, ever sense last tour, they make me wanna puke actually,” he said shaking his head,

“So they’re a…”

“Couple or I think at least? Neither of them have actually said,” he said lighting his cigarette, “Oh does this bother you?” he said waving the smoke away with his hand

“No, my dad used to smoke, and so did Jes…its ok,” my voice had lowered to a whisper. Just the sound of his name brought tears to my eyes

“Roxi told us what happened, I’m sorry for your loss,” I could feel his eyes upon me, but I couldn’t find the courage to meet them.

“Thank you,” I had said it so soft that I almost couldn’t hear myself

“Was that his name?”

“Yes,” I said continuing to stare at my feet

“I’m so sorry Laura,” he said softly touching my shoulder,

I shivered at the touch of his hand and he pulled away. I turned around and looked up at him; his blue eyes the color of ocean on a summer night, so deep, and soothing. I meant to pull away, but I went to him, I laid my head on his chest and cried.

“Shh…” he said wrapping his arms around me, “It’ll be ok, shh…” he murmured in my ear.

I finally realized what was happening and pulled abruptly away, “I’m sorry, oh god, I’m sorry,” I said stepping back

“It’s ok,” he said reaching for me,

“Nick, I can’t, I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“You can’t what? What can’t you do Laura?”

“I… just can’t,” I said turning away. We stood there in silence, listening only to the wind and the people passing by, then I heard a crack, like something being broken, I turned around and saw Nick grinning as he read. Then he looked up at me and smiled.

“It’s my fortune,” he grinned

“What does it say?”

“You will find fortune and happiness in those you have just met,” he said gleaming,

“Huh,” I laughed

“What’s yours say?”

“I don’t know,” I said digging in my pocket in search of my cookie. I broke the cookie and smoothed out the paper to read.

“Well, what’s it say?” he said crossing his arms

“You will find the comfort you’ve been looking for, in the arms of a stranger.” I said looking up at him.

“Huh,” he said smiling down at me.