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Summary: Celine: Queen of the Dragons.
By LV Dutton © 2007

Her kingdom was always one of peace, she ruled with an iron fist but a kind heart. Dragons that could change shape and become human, and humans worked at their side. One dragon held the highest place in the land she was their queen the one that ruled over all dragons and humans alike. Celine was the most feared and loved person in the entire kingdom. She was brought to power by blood as she was the daughter of the former king, but she herself once ruled with a king of her own until his untimely death during a recent war. But that marriage yielded a son, a son that now as an adult stood by her side through it all. Now a new war has come to their land, those that wish to destroy all that has been made in their land, and now her son wishes to go to that war to defend his home to defend his people. But when she received word that he was murdered in his tent late one night, a new war has begun, and Celine intends on bringing it to an end and her wrath is nothing to be thought lightly of.

Rated: R
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No
Word count: 66
Read: 2512
Published: 01/03/07
Updated: 02/08/07

1. Author's Message by AJsSweety [ - ] (32 words)

2. Authors Note by AJsSweety [ - ] (34 words)
I am currently revamping the story and am going to run with another angle that came to me last night. I will repost chapter 1 and 2 this evening. Sorry for the inconvience.
