Sorry that it took so long to post this chapter, but life truly does have a way of catching up to me. I'm trying to get back in the writing groove. So, hopefully we've got this under control. Thank you so much for all the reviews beforehand and I hope I continue to recieve them.
Drifting into a state of euphoria, he could continue to hear the lightness of Roxanne’s laugh drifting about the room. She was so carefree about life; despite the horrors she had shared with him during their prearranged dinner date. And, good God, was she fucking hilarious. When he had accidentally cursed and then cursed himself for cursing, she had laughed so hard, delivering her own colorful commentary amongst foul words till both were breathless from laughing. She didn’t care that he had flaws and he was quite certain that he might end up adoring all of hers. She didn’t care about wearing a mask around certain individuals. She was such a breath of fresh air compared to—
Jerking upward in surprise when Layla whined from outside the doorway, he had to smirk at the way she poked her head into the doorway. It was a cautious at first, just evaluating what awaited within the room. Then, with a quick sniff of the air, she searched for the real bitch of the manor. After all, when Melanie was spending the nights, Layla was forbidden to be anywhere near the bedroom. Melanie detested the puppy and did nothing to hide the disdain. She had actually tried to drop off Layla at the nearest pound. Thankfully, he had intervened, but from that day on, Layla would usually be chained outside, whimpering within the darkness.
Peering inside once more with her light crystal blue eyes, Layla became exuberant at the realization that Melanie had disappeared. Claws scraping across the hardwood floor, she galloped into the bedroom and took a large leap for the center of the bed. Hassling joyously, she pounced onto Nick’s chest and furiously licked his face with thanks. But when he felt his face start to grow overly damp from her slobbering, he groaned and attempted to push her away. But had managed to pin his cast and was anxious to continue showing affection. That is till the familiar ringtone sounded within the room that caused the puppy to dart away to hide
“TRAITOR!” Nick bellowed after Layla, jerking upright in bed to retrieve the cellular phone before it could plummet from the mattress. Noticing Melanie’s name scroll across the front LCD screen of his flip-phone, he sighed heavily. He had been trying all evening to make this particular call, but it seemed as if she had wanted to find him first. Whatever the case, he told himself, it had to end tonight. For the sake of his sanity and safety. It had to end. “…Hey, Mel…”
"Your phone’s been busy for hours.”
"I don’t have time to sit around and wait for you to decide to answer your phone—”
“It’s not as if you have some important engagements to attend to."
"I’ve been busy—”
“Trying to make a career rise from the dead,” Melanie scorned with a tittering sound vibrating against her throat. “But, back to the real world. Do you know that I had to interrupt a very important conversation with one of the best photographers in the world to trudge back here and make a simple phone call to you? Do you know how embarrassing it is to explain how needy your boyfriend is?”
“It makes me look so unprofessional
"I’m sorry—”
“Honestly, Nick, I don’t know why I put up with you anymore.”
Sucking in a sharp breath, Nick struggled to find the appropriate words to lead into the conversation she was starting. In such a sharp stab of cynicism, she had given him the perfect opportunity to end the horrible affair. Simply respond with a congratulatory statement such as ‘Well, you don’t have to any more, Sweetheart,’ and follow with a witty laugh. Yet, he couldn’t form the words on his tongue and allow them to pass from his lips. Instead, his entire body tensed with fear and his heart fluttered erratically in the depth of his chest, practically leaping flight into his throat. His mouth suddenly dried to that of the Sahara Desert and his body shuddered. Years of abuse had made him weak.
Then the distinct sound of male laughter entered the background of her phone call. Lurching from the bed, he struggled to focus on the background noise and felt his anger rise. There was a shifting that could be heard through the connection and Melanie giggled after breathing an unfamiliar name. Then… Was that the sound of wet lips smacking together? Far too much saliva in that exchange, he was certain. And Nick’s stomach churned at the sound of an exhilarated growl muffled against what he assumed was his girlfriend’s throat.
"Who’s the playmate of the month?” Nick questioned dryly, though it came as no real shock. He was used to her philandering ways when she was out on location. She prided herself in being able to lure a man into her bed. It was as if they were fresh game to be mounted on her wall. Another notch on the bedpost. Nick was starting to think that she was fond of widdling with the way she added notches…
“His name is Pablo and he’s not the playmate of the month—”
"Wow,” Nick whistled without a chance to catch his annoyances with her blatant habit of cheating. “You’re just so generous, Mel, giving yourself to all the men of the shoot. What would we do without you?”
Melanie huffed with indignation and it was followed by a rough grunt from her companion. And, true to her nature, she saw Nick’s indignation at her behavior as one of his faults and not her own. It would always be his fault no matter what had occurred between them. “I truly cannot take your jealousy right now, Nick.”
“I am not—”
"And your constant nagging—"
"Again, I’m not—”
“I’ve got a lot of pressure on me right now and I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. This is one of the biggest shoots that could potentially set me up for the rest of my life. We’re talking a lot of zeros in my bank account. And I just don’t think you can possibly understand. You’re overly emotional and I hate the way you constantly breathe down my neck—”
“You’re just not mentally healthy and your anger—”
“My anger—”
“I don’t think we should be together right now.”
“I love you so much and you will always have a part of me, Nick, but I need to have some space to catch my breath. I’d like to concentrate on my career and not worry about how you’re going to react with each photograph that reveals my sensuality. You understand, don’t you, Sweetheart?”
“…You’re just cutting me loose?” Nick questioned incredulously, wheezing slightly when he realized he had been holding his breath and loosening his tight grip on the phone when it started to slide from the sweat of his palm.
“I suppose,” Melanie murmured without much conviction when a soft murmuring evaded their conversation. “But, we’ll have to talk about this later. They want me on the set.”
“Mel, it’s over, right—”
"Bye, Sweetheart!” she cooed while quickly disconnecting.
Silence had evaded him for a long moment as he mulled over the length of the conversation. He wasn’t sure what had exactly brought on her change of heart, but it was comforting to say the least. The heavy boulder of weight that had been rested upon his shoulders seemed to crumble with each passing moment. And it felt good. Perhaps God didn’t hate him so much… And, while listening to the irritating signal of a lost call, Nick could only smile with relief. “We’re over.”