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Summary: The throbbing pain in his head became wilder as he tried to refrain himself from getting too emotional. He knew he was on the tendency of doing something stupid but it was too late. There was no turning back. She had chosen that path and he will lead her till the end.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Other
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Suspense
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes
Word count: 15320
Read: 6220
Published: 05/11/07
Updated: 05/16/07

1. Jaded by Gal1015 [ - ] Liked (5259 words)
This story is purely based on my imagination and is definitely not related to anyone who is still alive or who has passed away, any similarity are purely coincidental. This is my 2nd Backstreet Boys AU and i know there's a lot more for me to improve in my writing and i hope to get kind reviews from the readers here, your reviews are highly Appreciated, thanks!

2. Misunderstood by Gal1015 [ - ] Liked (3751 words)
Here's the 2nd Chappy to this Story, thanks for those who read and definitely your reviews is always appreciated!

No doubt the terrible tragedy would be highlighted as one of the main headlines of every newspaper in the country and the news will be a yesterday’s news once a new dawn begins. The bloodstains will be washed off either by the rain or scrubbed off by the school cleaners, and the blast of the gunshot will soon be overpowered by laughter once everything had settled down but not for Kevin.

3. Heroes by Gal1015 [ - ] (6310 words)
Here's the 3rd and final chappy, its quite long so you've been warned, lol...

“Its not about being hero dude, its about saving lives… what if I didn’t try to stop him and he went berserk out there and start shooting at other kids? What if he shoots at you, you know… random shooting could kill anyone… even you or myself… at least, I know… while I had him on the floor, many kids get a chance to save themselves.” – Nick