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This poem came to be after a challenge in my favorite yahoo group call Mature fan Club...its a description of how I feel about  the group...This was a writing challenge for the upcoming Mature BSB Fan Club Confrence in Georgia.

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Rated: G
Categories: Poetry/Songs
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 128
Read: 686
Published: 06/07/08
Updated: 06/07/08
Story Notes:
Please do not take any part of my poem, they are easy to do just need the right inspiration please try and don't take my work.

1. Chapter 1 by AngelgirlDorough [ - ] (128 words)
  This poem came to be after a challenge in my favorite yahoo group call Mature fan Club...its a description of how I feel about  the group...