Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > Hanson
Characters: Taylor Hanson
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No
Word count: 7050
Read: 6088
Published: 10/15/08
Updated: 11/02/08
1. Prolouge: Change in My Life by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1421 words)
This is the prolouge...please comment since this is a BSB ff site I wanna know people are reading this story!
2. Chapter 2: Don't Give Up on Me by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (2188 words)
Okay so for those who are not fansons...this actually happened to Taylor in real life with a girl named Natalie getting pregnant and having to get married and all...I just added my character in
3. Chapter 3: When You Can't He Can by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1740 words)
purechaos...i love your reviews :)
4. Chapter 4: Don't Go Tellin' Me You're Alright by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1701 words)
Zac really?