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Summary: I know most of the stories on this site are for BSB...but I LOVE this story, its a lifelong love story and I have to share it with you guys. This is my very first fan fiction about Taylor and Zac Hanson. It's so sweet the love between Taylor and Caroline and even if you aren't a Hanson fan read it. It's some of the best writing I have ever done. My best story and most involved to date. It deserves to be read. :)
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > Hanson
Characters: Taylor Hanson
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No
Word count: 7050
Read: 6088
Published: 10/15/08
Updated: 11/02/08
Story Notes:
Leave comments i love them....this story starts in the Underneath Era (with flashbacks to the earlier days when the love started)...up until the present and is updated VERY frequently.

1. Prolouge: Change in My Life by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1421 words)
This is the prolouge...please comment since this is a BSB ff site I wanna know people are reading this story!

2. Chapter 2: Don't Give Up on Me by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (2188 words)
Okay so for those who are not fansons...this actually happened to Taylor in real life with a girl named Natalie getting pregnant and having to get married and all...I just added my character in

3. Chapter 3: When You Can't He Can by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1740 words)
purechaos...i love your reviews :)

4. Chapter 4: Don't Go Tellin' Me You're Alright by carolineheartsaj [ - ] (1701 words)
Zac really?