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Jerry Springer ain't got NOTHIN on me, buddy!
Adjust your monitors, tune in, hold onto your panties, and enjoy the ride.

Welcome to the Nick Carter Show!

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Dramedy, Humor
Warnings: Slash F/F, Slash M/M, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No
Word count: 9179
Read: 6646
Published: 10/21/08
Updated: 02/13/09

1. Welcome to the Show by alota_cookin [ - ] (1095 words)

2. The Nick Carter Show: Season 8, Episode 1 by alota_cookin [ - ] (2835 words)

3. After the Show by sweet18_2003 [ - ] (2094 words)

4. The Nick Carter Show: Season 8, Episode 2 by alota_cookin [ - ] (3155 words)
Just, to let you all know...Ashley and I are, for some reason, unable to respond, to the reviews you left, on the last chapter. :-/ Every single review is, very, much appreciated though! Thank you all, so much!