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When Joanna ran away from Mexico, where she had been through hell, and finally reached America, she tought she'd find a better life. She found a new hell instead. She met Nick Carter through the worst circumstances but maybe he is her only way out of it?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: No
Word count: 11482
Read: 18301
Published: 02/04/09
Updated: 02/17/09

1. Prologue by angelhunalex [ - ] (807 words)
This is my first fan fiction in English. So please be a little patient with me!

2. Chapter 1 by angelhunalex [ - ] (1139 words)
Warning! There is a rape scene in it!

3. Chapter 2 by angelhunalex [ - ] (1986 words)

4. Chapter 3 by angelhunalex [ - ] (760 words)
Sorry, I deleted the story and had to post it once again. So here is the NEW chapter which is kinda a short one.

5. Chapter 4 by angelhunalex [ - ] (949 words)
Let's see how Nick is going to react!

6. Chapter 5 by angelhunalex [ - ] (1340 words)

7. Chapter 6 by angelhunalex [ - ] (953 words)
Now Nick is getting back into the game ;)

8. Chapter 7 by angelhunalex [ - ] (1105 words)

9. Chapter 8 by angelhunalex [ - ] (1004 words)

10. Chapter 9 by angelhunalex [ - ] (758 words)

11. Chapter 10 by angelhunalex [ - ] (681 words)