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Past Featured StorySummary:

The Backstreet Boys have reunited, after a several year break. They're interested in returning to the studio, but old resentments die hard. Brian and Nick remain contemptuous towards each other, and their fighting is hindering the group. Unexpectedly, they are forced to put themselves in each other's shoes... literally.
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian, Group, Nick
Genres: Dramedy, Humor, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: Yes
Word count: 34323
Read: 42075
Published: 02/08/09
Updated: 01/23/10

1. *Chapter One* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2380 words)
Please let me know what you think of the first chapter. I'd appreciate it! :)

2. *Chapter Two* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2224 words)

3. *Chapter Three* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1867 words)

4. *Chapter Four* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2028 words)
Thanks very much for the comments so far! I love to hear what you guys think. And thanks for reading. :)

5. *Chapter Five* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1918 words)

6. *Chapter Six* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1793 words)

7. *Chapter Seven* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1302 words)
Thanks for all the reviews so far, and thanks for everyone who's been keeping on me about writing more! You helped me get through some writers block. :)

8. *Chapter Eight* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2175 words)

9. *Chapter Nine* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2117 words)
Let me know what you think. :)

10. *Chapter Ten* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1832 words)

11. *Chapter Eleven* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1842 words)

12. *Chapter Twelve* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1338 words)

13. *Chapter Thirteen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1802 words)

14. *Chapter Fourteen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1848 words)
Sorry its been so long. This summer has flown by! Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think!

15. *Chapter Fifteen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1853 words)

16. *Chapter Sixteen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (2465 words)
Hopefully it was worth the wait! Please let me know what you think. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! :)

17. *Chapter Seventeen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1786 words)
Not quite as long between updates this time. :) Hope you like it!

18. *Chapter Eighteen* by ForeverFrick [ - ] (1753 words)