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Thank you to evergreenwriter83 for the banner

*THIRD in the Nick and Amanda series!* Meet Nick Carter, a rockstar with a big heart. He has always done what his heart has told him...and it has never led him wrong until now. All it took was one night. One night that would change his life forever.
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Other, Nick, Howie, Group, Brian, AJ
Genres: Supernatural, Romance, Drama, Angst, Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content, Domestic Violence, Death, Child Abuse
Series: Nick And Amanda Series
Chapters: 55
Completed: Yes
Word count: 50410
Read: 113107
Published: 08/13/09
Updated: 06/22/11
Story Notes:
This is the second in the Nick and Amanda series.

1. Chapter 1 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (868 words)
I am slowly editing and re writing this story so hopefully you all are liking the changes I made due to the sequels and prequels in this series. thanks for reading!!!

2. Chapter 2 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (719 words)
enjoy the update!!!!

3. Chapter 3 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (841 words)
so happy to see you are all liking this story!!! Here is Chapter 3....things are about to get hot!!!

4. Chapter 4 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (769 words)
Well, here I am back with yet another chapter of this. Things are about to get VERY interesting!!! muahahahahahaha

5. Chapter 5 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (625 words)
Back with Chapter Five!! Hope you are all enjoying this!!!

6. Chapter 6 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (600 words)
Back with a new chapter, enjoy!

7. Chapter 7 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (607 words)
Thanks for the help on this chapter! Hope you enjoy! Sorry it was a while since the last update, but the clone series has me on a roll lol. Thanks for reading!

8. Chapter 8 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (662 words)
Ready for the big news? Keep reading!

9. Chapter 9 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (606 words)
enjoy the update!!!

10. Chapter 10 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (604 words)
Back with a new chapter, please read and review!

11. Chapter 11 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (630 words)
Enjoy the update and thanks for reading

12. Chapter 12 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (712 words)
enjoy the update here is chapter 12

13. Chapter 13 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (618 words)
Thanks for reading! Am back with a new chapter!

14. Chapter 14 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (880 words)
Back with a new chapter!

15. Chapter 15 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (843 words)
This will be one of two updates this week. Stay tuned! Thanks for reading!

16. Chapter 16 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (792 words)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please read and review!

17. Chapter 17 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (723 words)
This is part two of the Thanksgiving chapter. Enjoy!

18. Chapter 18 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (823 words)
Enjoy the new chapter!

19. Chapter 19 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (856 words)
Back with a new chapter! Enjoy

20. Chapter 20 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (887 words)
This was a fun chapter to write! Enjoy!

21. Chapter 21 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (814 words)
Sorry it has been a while since I updated, I been so busy with work and the holidays. Hopefully I will get back into my updating groove. I hope you all enjoy this update!

22. Chapter 22 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (920 words)
Thanks for following this story everyone! I hope you like this update! Please review!

23. Chapter 23 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (945 words)
Enjoy the update and happy holidays!!

24. Chapter 24 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (926 words)
Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

25. Chapter 25 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (840 words)
This is my Christmas chapter...it was supposed to be posted Christmas Day but I was tired from all the excitement. Hope you all have a happy holiday!

26. Chapter 26 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (768 words)
Happy new year guys! Hope ya enjoy this chapter!

27. Chapter 27 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (754 words)
Sorry for the delay in updating. This chapter was tricky to write. So I hope you all like my first post of 2010 and Happy New Year!!

28. Chapter 28 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (612 words)
Hope you all enjoy this update!!

29. Chapter 29 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (938 words)
Thanks again for the awesome reviews for this story. Hope you all like this chapter!!

30. Chapter 30 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (793 words)
Enjoy the update!!!

31. Chapter 31 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (768 words)
Get ready cause this chapter is going to be a doozy!!!

32. Chapter 32 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (816 words)
Back with a new chapter! Enjoy!

33. Chapter 33 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1189 words)
Hope you all enjoy this update!

34. Chapter 34 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1151 words)
Uhhhh so yeah...might need the tissues for this one, folks.

35. Chapter 35 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (707 words)
Hopefully this chapter will lighten the mood a little! The real drama is about to begin surrounding Nick's birthday! Enjoy!

36. Chapter 36 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1016 words)
Hey guys! Back with a new chapter!! Hope you all enjoy it!!

37. Chapter 37 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (681 words)
Here is part two of Nick's birthday chapter. Enjoy!

38. Chapter 38 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1051 words)
Okay, get ready for the drama!!!

39. Chapter 39 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (982 words)
Sorry for the delay in updating! Enjoy!

40. Chapter 40 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (709 words)
Enjoy the update!!

41. Chapter 41 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1013 words)
Ready to turn the heat up? Read on!

42. Chapter 42 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1098 words)
Enjoy the update!

43. Chapter 43 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (866 words)

44. Chapter 44 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (948 words)
I know this update has been overdue, hope you like it. I am glad you are all enjoying By My Side as well, thanks for all the wonderful reviews!

45. Chapter 45 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1075 words)
I know its been a while, but I've been working on the prequel to this story, By My Side. Hope you enjoy this new chapter!

46. Chapter 46 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1144 words)
Back with a new chapter. Hope you all like this update!

47. Chapter 47 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1522 words)
Hope you all enjoy this update. Don't forget to review.

48. Chapter 48 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1104 words)
Whew I am back with a new chapter!!!! I hope you like this one.

49. Chapter 49 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (864 words)
Hope you all like this update...

50. Chapter 50 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1469 words)
Sorry its been a while since I updated. Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated.

51. Chapter 51 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1383 words)
This update has been long ovedue. Sorry guys! I been having some writer's block. Hopefully there will be another one soon, just keep the reviews coming!

52. Chapter 52 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1674 words)
Sorry its been so long since I updated, the site has been down. I also went to see BSB in concert and Weird Al, plus work has been crazy. But hope you guys like this much anticipated chapter!

53. Chapter 53 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (2101 words)
This chapter was a interesting one to write, sorry for the delay. Please review!

54. Adventures In Babysitting by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1177 words)
Hope you enjoy this chapter. I decided it was time to have more of AJ so I am gonna torture him a lil he he. Please review!

55. From This Moment On by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (927 words)
Here is the chapter you have all been waiting for....please enjoy and review!