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Author's Chapter Notes:
Whew I am back with a new chapter!!!! I hope you like this one.
Chapter 48

Nick woke up the next day feeling like a weight had lifted off of his shoulders. It was morning, about 7am. He got Aaron to school and once he got home, he walked down the beach for a while, thinking. He sat there for a long time, staring out at the water as the breeze rustled his hair. He thought of the past two weeks....and of Amanda. He couldn't believe she was finally his...she was with him and he did not have to admire her from afar any longer. It almost seemed like a dream, the way his life was at this point. He thought back to when he was 15 and dreamed of having a family, having people that cared about him. He dreamt of Amanda most of the time, especially when she was away. He had gone three years without her. However, it was not until his very first tour that he realized the feelings he had for Amanda was love. He loved her, would do anything for her. He smiled as he gazed at the ocean, knowing what he had left to do. When he was younger, he had hoped and dreamed to be with Amanda, and now they were living together. He had found his brother, had met his father. He had a wonderful house, had great friends and a great career. There was one thing missing in his mind, and he knew there was only one way to make it happen. After spending time alone, he walked back to the house to find Amanda sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Morning baby." Nick said sweetly, kissing her cheek. She grinned and ate her cereal as he sat down.
"Where were you? You okay?" Amanda asked, watching him. She was a bit worried after what had happened the night before.

"I just went for a walk...but there is something on my mind." he confessed, pouring himself a coffee.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, Nick." Amanda said. She placed her hand over his and he smiled at her. Yes, there was this connection between them, even if they did not speak, their eyes could read each other.

"I would like to meet your parents...." Nick said. She was surprised at his statement, and wondered how this would go, considering that her father had hated Lance when she brought him to meet the family. Amanda was not sure how her mother would handle Nick, not to mention that she had not told her parents that Lance wasn't the father of Celine.

"That's wonderful, Nick. I think they would love to meet you. We could go for a weekend." she suggested. Nick couldn't wait to meet Amanda's parents. He had often wondered what they were like, if they were as kind and sweet as Amanda was.

"Great idea."

"They have been dying to see the baby anyway, so it would be perfect." Amanda beamed, before going to call her mother in Jersey. That night at dinner they discussed the upcoming trip. Amanda couldn't wait for Nick to meet her parents, and she knew Nick would get along with them for sure.

"So you two are going away for the weekend?" AJ asked as they ate supper.

"I'm gonna meet her family." Nick said proudly.

"Ohh cool!" Aaron said, and Nick playfully pushed him in the arm.

"When do you leave?" AJ asked. Amanda sat there listening to them talk, smiling. She liked dinner time with Nick, Aaron, and AJ...she enjoyed just watching them interact with each other. Celine liked it too, she giggled and watched her father talk with adoration. Amanda had never thought Nick could be such a good father for Celine. She had known him almost her whole life, ever since they were children. He had always been on his own, so she had been doubtful of his parenting ability. However, it all became clear the day Nick had said he would give up his music career to be with his daughter. He had shown her that he was responsible by taking his brother in, by fighting for him. Nick was a great father for the baby, always paying attention to her and making sure she was happy.

"Friday, I booked our flight already." Nick told them.

"So I'm watching Airhead this weekend?" AJ teased. Aaron responded by poking his tongue out and flinging potatoes at him. The two of them continued until Nick glared at them and they stopped.

"Actually, Aaron can't stay here alone with you." Amanda pointed out as she helped Nick clear the table.

"Don't worry, I have it all covered. I worked it out so that he can come with us...if that's okay with your parents." Nick replied,

"You mean I get to go?" Aaron exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

"I'm sure they won't mind." Amanda assured him.

"This is going to be fun....I can't wait," Nick said as he kissed her, smiling. Later that night, Nick sat in his recording studio, working on some music that he'd been putting off. He started thinking about the upcoming trip and what he planned to do. He thought back to the last time he flew with Amanda, when his career began. Smiling as he tuned the keyboard, he remembered their days in New York City and spending the nights at her parents house. They had been away but he had seen photographs of them, and they looked like nice people. Hell, if they liked Lance they would certainly like him. Nick wanted desperately for this trip to go well, because if it didn't...his plans for Amanda would be ruined. So Friday came and they all went to the airport. Aaron was fascinated by the airport, it was his first time there.

"Stay with me and don't go out of my sight." Nick instructed as he checked in their luggage.

"I will." Aaron said, looking at the crowds of people. Aaron had always been interested in flying and airplanes, but had never told Nick about it. He wanted very much to be a pilot when he was older. Aaron sat glued to the window as the four of them waited to board the plane, Amanda holding the baby in her arms. Nick smiled at his brother but it soon faded as he heard the familiar sound of heeled shoes clicking behind them.

"How dare you!" the shrill voice called from behind Nick, and he turned in surprise to see her standing there, looking angry and ready for a fight. Nick was not ready for this, he knew it wouldn't be pretty.