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Author Topic: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?  (Read 16925 times)


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Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« on: April 26, 2008, 02:45:46 AM »

I've been doing a little research for my new suspense story, and I've come to the conclusion that Nick gets tortured way more than anyone else. Even in group stories where they're all getting beat up, Nick always gets it the worst. (I must be different though, because apparently Kevin is by far the easiest for me to kill since I just off-ed him for the third time. Sorry Kev  :P) Anyway I was just wondering why is it always NICK? Why is it so fun to torture him? Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, doesn't matter. Nick is always getting the short end of the stick.

Aside from the october challenge where I killed them all, the worst thing I've ever done to him is let him get punched by a girl.

My questions to you are these...

What is the worst thing you've done to Nick in a story? Why did you chose Nick? and do you feel you pick on him more than the other boys?

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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 05:17:35 AM »

Well for me, it is usually because Nick is always my leading man. Except in As Reality Crumbles which is the one story I have where AJ is the center Boy.

Let's see, I've put him in torture futuristic psychotic drugs where his mind created the pain he would feel in reality through dreams. And...in Born To Be he actually did die...and comes upon his own grave in that world later.  Oh and in one of my ancient in hiatus stories called Lost Souls, he was an abused child.

I tend to torture Justin Timberlake far worse lol.
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2008, 06:15:03 AM »

I think the worst I have done to Nick is have Brian carve Mine on him. Yeah, I think that was pretty bad. As far as why he tends to be the victim I think the easiest answer that makes the most sense is the fact that he is the baby of the group. Most groups don't have quite the huge age differences that BSB does. I mean most of the people in a group tend to be around the same age but what makes BSB unique for writing is the fact that they are all different ages and in essence do act like brothers. That can really help play with the imagination. I bet if the scenerio was different and they were all the same exact age, you'd get a bigger variety of dilemmas happening equal amongst them all. That's just what I think anyway. I could be wrong, although that doesn't happen much  ;) lol

Because he is so much younger than let's say Kevin and Howie, it's easy for me to picture how it would be if something bad happened to the baby of the family. How quickly everyone would come to his rescue. And Let's face it, Nick just has so many sides to him, he's fun to write.

I have put them all in peril or had them all need that moment of rescuing but, I think the most believable of those settings has always been Nick and possibly AJ. Although i'm not a fan of writing AJ in peril lol because i'm not a fan of writing AJ. I love him but can't always pinpoint him how i'd like.
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2008, 06:42:50 AM »

As far as why he tends to be the victim I think the easiest answer that makes the most sense is the fact that he is the baby of the group. Most groups don't have quite the huge age differences that BSB does. I mean most of the people in a group tend to be around the same age but what makes BSB unique for writing is the fact that they are all different ages and in essence do act like brothers. That can really help play with the imagination. I bet if the scenerio was different and they were all the same exact age, you'd get a bigger variety of dilemmas happening equal amongst them all. That's just what I think anyway. I could be wrong, although that doesn't happen much  Wink lol

Because he is so much younger than let's say Kevin and Howie, it's easy for me to picture how it would be if something bad happened to the baby of the family. How quickly everyone would come to his rescue. And Let's face it, Nick just has so many sides to him, he's fun to write.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 06:47:34 AM by Caroline »


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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2008, 06:49:13 AM »

I think Nick has shown us all a lot more vulnerability than the other guys, so it's easier to place him in moments of weakness because we've witnessed the fact that he does have weaknesses. I agree too with what Mare said about him being the baby, that's absolutely true.

I have had him lose an arm, get arrested, get shot in the neck, suffocated with a bag, get stabbed, sexually assaulted, aaaand oh yeah come down with a little case of MS *snicker*

I think I picked him because he seemed like he would be fun to torture lol
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2008, 06:59:44 AM »

I think Nick has shown us all a lot more vulnerability than the other guys, so it's easier to place him in moments of weakness because we've witnessed the fact that he does have weaknesses. I agree too with what Mare said about him being the baby, that's absolutely true.

I have had him lose an arm, get arrested, get shot in the neck, suffocated with a bag, get stabbed, sexually assaulted, aaaand oh yeah come down with a little case of MS *snicker*

I think I picked him because he seemed like he would be fun to torture lol

^THAT would be why Julilly scares me! lmao.

Seriously though, I agree that Nick being the baby and everything plays a big part in why people torture him. And, he does seem to be a bit weaker than the others. Plus, just the fact that everybody loves Nick and wants to read Nick stories...he is the most popular overall. So, it just makes sense that he would be the most popular pick in this area, too.

Um, I have never REALLY totured any of them. Well, that's not entirely true, the April challenge I did something but I can't talk about that, lol.


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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2008, 07:43:32 AM »

A lot of ya'll hit the nail on the head. Since he's the youngest, the baby of the group it makes some sort of sense that he get tortured. In Master's he probably is the second person to get it worst then anybody else in the whole story. Of course that can change as the story goes on.


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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2008, 10:01:03 AM »

I think most people here know mine LOL.  As for why I picked Nick, I was on a Nick kick at the time and had been reading lots of stories about Nick, including Swollen Issues, so he was the only one I even considered.  My last few stories had been AJ or Brian stories, so I was ready for another Nick one.

In the overall course of my fanfic writing "career," I don't think I have picked on Nick more than the other guys.  That honor goes to Brian LOL.  My fanfic Brian has been shot, kidnapped, addicted to painkillers, held hostage, involved in car addidents, bus crashes, and plane crashes, had cancer, and needed heart transplants on two occasions.  Why?  Because he's my favorite. :D

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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2008, 12:23:38 PM »

The worst thing I've ever done to Nick in a story is having him watch his brother suffer from a forced overdose while being tied to a chair so he can't reach him. In the story, all the guys actually suffer, so I didn't necessarily CHOOSE Nick. All of them have bad stuff happen. If anyone got it worse in that story, it was Brian. First I had his son taken away from him by having someone abuse him and making it look like it was Brian. And the other part of that torture process hasn't officially been written yet, but it HAS been planned out.

Hmmm. Maybe I should continue that story this summer...
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2008, 12:31:05 PM »

aww yay for Brian girls!  I can see the point about Nick being the youngest. But I also think whoever said it's because Nick's the favorite might have had it right too. Julie sure doesn't seem to have a problem picking on someone other than Nick.  :D  

I used to be a brian girl to, but I guess I don't really have a favorite anymore. Maybe that's one of the reasons its been harder for me to write as much fan fic lately. I think I've picked on Nick probably the least. But he'll get his this time.  ;)

I'm actually new to the whole picking on them thing, but first I mowed Kevin over by a semi truck and gave Brian an abusive father who he then had to kill in order to save his mom, who dies anyway. Oh, and I made Howie gay, that was kind of mean of me I suppose. Then in my october challenge I stabbed them all to death one by one, and now I'm just getting started in my new one. There will be lots of torture and death in this one, but I can't say who gets what. :D But Kevin already got it. Kristin too. Hell, I even picked on Mason this time.    You are all making me turn sick.
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2008, 01:13:08 PM »

^ I think that's why I had such a hard time writing my "horror/suspense" story awhile back. I couldn't finish it because it was so hard to write about each of the guys getting tortured. It's just so out of my element, but I wanted to experiment. I'm hoping to finish it this summer, though. But that's also why I started writing No Strings Attached. It was another genre out of my usual writing style. I don't usually write NC-17 stories, but I tried it. Now, I'm finding it hard to finish as well, since it's so out of my usual.

I'm a lot like you. I like to write the fluffy, happily-ever-after stories. All these other stories are so much harder for me to write since they are so out there for me.

Hopefully AU won't end up being hard for me to write because i have like 20 AU story ideas I want to work on.
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2008, 01:28:17 PM »

aww, yeah, this first chapter was really hard for me to write, but when it was finally finished, (while I'm still not sure how well I did with it) I was still kind of proud of myself for doing it. I LIVE for the fluffy happily ever afters so I have a hard time writing out of my element too, but a lot of my growth as a writer has come from forcing myself to do it.

But writing a story about Nick as the lead is hard for me to do in general too. Not as hard as writing AJ. I'm totally with you, Mare, on the AJ thing I can never nail him down as a person.

Nick does show a lot of versatility though, which I think is why I've decided to make him the lead in this story. And I think why I found it the easiest to want to torture him this time. Well, besides Kevin. I think I can pick on Kevin a lot because he's always shown as the leader and the strong one, but deep down I feel like he just takes that role because that's what was handed him and I can picture him being not as strong, but secretly.

When Nick suffers on the inside, the world knows, but Kevin? The man has to suffer too, he just doesn't share that with us. I think I like to imagine what is really going on inside him and what would happen if he just couldn't take it anymore. Like if he cracked and the leader falls.  That was kind of the point of my story "Kevin's Song" but I never did finish that one.  :-[  haha it wasn't light and fluffy enough for me. But I'm getting better at staying out of my comfort zone. Maybe I should go find it and give it another go since apparently I like to torture Kevin and that one was lots of emotional torture. 
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2008, 03:22:41 PM »

I know jeez poor Kevin! And people say i'm mean lol I would never kill both parents and leave a kid an orphan! :P

I don't kill the BSBs. It's my rule. Everyone else is fair game.
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2008, 08:00:31 PM »

Plus, just the fact that everybody loves Nick and wants to read Nick stories...he is the most popular overall. So, it just makes sense that he would be the most popular pick in this area, too.

I agree. I think it might be because he's just the overall favorite.

Okay, so I don't count much because I've never finished a fanfic. Well, one short story, but I still don't count, lol. But I have started many fanfics, and I think that I can honestly say that I've never tortured Nick... Unless AJ's smelly feet in his face count. :D
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Re: Why does all the crap happen to Nick?
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2008, 09:29:02 PM »

*sigh* I like to call Nick my "damsal in distress", because something's always happening to him, or he's always the one that needs saving. I've tortured him in my story "Incomplete" (by killing off his brother) and the sequel to the story, "Empty Spaces" by having these prison guards torture him ruthlessly. I don't really choose Nick to always be in peril or whatever, sometimes it just happens that way, but I kind of prefer keeping him away from always being the one that's hurt, or needs saving or whatever. I like to shed a little light on the other guys, or do it equally.

I think the question for me is why do I have the tendancy to make AJ the vulnerable one in my stories, lol. As to why people tend have all the crap happen to Nick... well, that's a mighty damn good question, lol.
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