Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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Readers survey

Story:  Secrets of the Heart

Person reading it:  Cinzia (usako/mamogirl)

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
I was glad Cinzia chose it.  I knew that she loves Brian and angst, and this story has both, so it actually seemed like something she would enjoy.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
Absolutely!  Cinzia left detailed reviews on every chapter with both her reactions to what was happening in the story and comments on my writing, which I really appreciated.  As far as I know, there are not many people who have read Secrets in its entirety because of the big gap between when it was started and when the majority of it was written, so it was really nice to get feedback from someone who read the whole thing in a week.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?
Yep, I did end up reading it.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
I'm wondering how you felt about the pace of the story.  Did it move too fast or too slowly?  Were there any parts where it dragged or got boring?  Did the ending feel rushed?

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
I had a great experience!  Of the two stories I submitted for the challenge, I'm so glad that Secrets was chosen, and I think it worked out perfectly that it was Cinzia who chose to read it.  I appreciated her wonderful feedback, and I'm really glad she enjoyed the story!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 03, 2013, 05:45:33 AM ---
4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
I'm wondering how you felt about the pace of the story.  Did it move too fast or too slowly?  Were there any parts where it dragged or got boring?  Did the ending feel rushed?

--- End quote ---

I think it was good balanced. There were chapters that didn't add much to the storyline (Aj's proposal, for example) but weren't boring or slow. As for the ending, I didn't get that feeling: actually, the fast pace of it was what kept me reading and reading until it was finished because I wanted to know the truth.

That's good to know - thank you!!

Hey gang! It's check-in Saturday! :)

Once again it looks like everyone is doing a great job moving this challenge along. The goals I set last week for Ritz, Cinzia and Steph were all met with plenty of time to spare so yay to you guys!!

This week's goal is to have either both of your halfway done surveys complete (if you are alternating your reading) or one halfway done and one final survey completed (if you are doing one story at a time)

The people that still need to accomplish this are: Tracy and Erika

Tracy I believe you actually are past the halfway point on Cinzia's story but you just haven't filled out the survey.

So by next Saturday try to get that done both of you! :)

Happy reading everyone!


--- Quote from: mare on July 03, 2013, 05:20:06 AM ---Thanks so much, Ritz! I'm relieved you liked this one. I admit, I was worried to include this story for the challenge because out of all my stuff it's very different and just stupid & silly. Don't get me wrong, I've written a TON of stupid, silly one shots but never a full novel.

Now to answer your question, it's funny because everyone wanted me to write a sequel about the guys surprising Nick with a 'real' Christmas because I guess it did kind of seem like I set it up that way, but honestly, I've never had plans to write one and I most likely never will. I'm not sure how I would be able to do this story again, like with Ava for example, without it seeming like the same exact thing. I guess the possibility for a Nick one shot might exist, maybe for his next birthday story he can 'reminisce' about the time the guys gave him a proper Christmas or something lol

--- End quote ---

Yes, I think you did. lol There was a part where the guys were talking about when did they found out that Santa wasnt real. Brian learned that Nick never experienced a visit from Santa and he said somthing like Nick will experience one in his mind. I actually waiting for that in the final chapter but I was not disappointed when it did not happen cause I absolutely loved the ending. :) A one shot about Nickwill be so much appreciated on Christmas. lol


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