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Author Topic: Things we don't know about you  (Read 37351 times)


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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2013, 06:00:06 PM »

Obvs, I would have gotten a new one since then. It's been 20 years!
~Maple Jellybean~

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2013, 08:21:56 PM »

5.) I hate cooked carrots.  I like raw ones just fine.

I hate cooked carrots but love them raw.

Me three!

1. When I was 12 years old I broke my neck. I was swimming in a pool at daycamp when the lifeguard and her boyfriend (who were messing around on the side of the pool) suddenly fell into the pool onto the back of my head. I spent just over a month in a hospital in Germany.

OMG!  And you've managed to survive without your uvula, too?!

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2013, 09:54:56 PM »

1) I have a boring life

2) I don't drink because I don't like the taste of alcohol

3) I hate spiders,wasps,bees, and/or bugs

4) I have a huge DVD collection

5) I love music

6) I also hate roller coasters

7) I hate cooked carrots but love them raw

8) I'm useless with directions

9) I love to watch Glee

10) I cry reading a sad book/fanfiction

11) I don't/can't  swim underwater and don't plan to [there's a reason]



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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2013, 10:32:23 PM »

I don't know if there are many things that are overly interesting about me, but I'll try lol

1. I have a love of the colour pink that stems from my love of the pink Power Ranger from when I was in grade 4. Similarly, my love of Union Jacks comes from my obsession with Ginger Spice when I was in Grade 6.

2. This is sacrilegious because I'm Canadian, but I really hate Tim Horton's coffee.

3. When I was 16 I bought O-Town's first album and greatly upset my best friend because she thought I was ditching out on BSB. When she saw an O-Town poster on my wall she was livid.

4. I was a cheerleader in high school and our team was really good. We were in the top division in our province and came in second at Provincials two years in a row. Our choreographer and captain was super unique, and often things we did would be copied by other teams at the next competition.

5. I was a vegetarian for two years, when I was 18-20.

6. I don't know if you guys know who Al Simmons is (he's a Canadian children's performer) but I am on some of his songs as part of the group of kids who sing with him on the tracks.

7. I was really passionate about learning how to speak French all the way from elementary to high school. I went on a French exchange program to Quebec City in grade 8 and have a bilingual certificate. I haven't used any of my French since high school ended and really do not remember any of it.

8. I was a staff member for more anime conventions than I was just a regular attendee of.

9. Despite having spent a good portion of my early 20s hanging out in a LAN Centre I have never been overly interested in video games.

10. My taste in music is either boybands or Canadian indie rock. There's an in between, but it's not much.

~Saka ♥

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2013, 11:06:10 PM »

Here are some things about me that.may or may not interest anyone:

 1. I hate mashed potatoes. Ever since one night my sister cooked them and they were like glue. I have not touched them since.

2. I have an irrational fear of Furbies cause as a kid I recieved one as a gift. To feed it you stick your finger in its mouth, it would say "more please". I always thought that since the Furby tasted human flesh it would eat me while I was asleep.

3. I don't eat cooked broccoli. It has to be raw.

4. Chocolate is the one thing that will always make me happy without fail.

5. I strongly dislike anything that tastes or smells like pumpkin.

6. When I was three I locked my mom out of the house.

7. NSYNC was my first concert, I was a pretty big fan. My best friend was an NSYNC fan until I converted her to BSB. Ironically enough she was the one who got me into NSYNC in the first place.

8. I started eating sushi because I read in a article that Nick ate it. I figured if he was brave enough to try it, it was ok for me to try it. The first sushi I ever ate was eel.

9. As a kid I wanted to move to Oklahoma and chase the tornadoes, I wanted to be a meteorologist.

10. when I grew up I wanted to be either a zookeeper, video game designer, writer, comedian, actress, work at mc donalds, or a meteorologist. As a kid I thought it would be so cool to work at mc donalds LOL


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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2013, 08:46:05 AM »

Mind the typos cause I'm here on my iPhone whose autocorrect likes to fail.

1. I have a brother who was closer in age to our mom than me. (They were 17 years apart, him and I are 18 years apart).

2. When Nick used to talk about being a part Blackfoot Indian I was like 15 and suddenly terrified we were related cause my great grandma is a full blooded one lol.

3. I ran into Aaron Carter once when I was about 13 years old at a Wendy's, he was supposed to do a signing for Oh Aaron nearby. He was nice but looking back I should've asked for a pic since he was still normal back then lol.

4. When I was a kid I had a lazy tongue and a lot of speech issues, I'm over them now but people always think I have an East Coast accent.

5. Related to #4, the school I was at thought I might be slow cause of my issues. So I was given a bunch of IQ tests, turned out I was gifted lol. I would've skipped several grades but my mom thought it'd be bad for me socially as I'd already started a year early. So I got put in advanced classes and such but the schools never knew how to handle me, I was given books to read constantly so I wouldn't talk to everyone around me when I finished my work lol.

6.  I hate raw tomatoes, hate them.

7. I love music across decades. Total oldies nerd. After BSB and Christina Aguilera my fave singers are Journey, Beatles, and Beach Boys. Lately my jam has been Bus Stop by The Hollies.

8. I will shamelessly watch practically anything Shane West acts in lol.

9. My favorite video game series is Final Fantasy, VIII specifically. Love Squall and Rinoa.

10. I love the Flowers In The Attic book shamelessly cause it's so depraved. The books the ghostwriter did in VC Andrews name after she died I can't stand lol.

11. My first cd ever was a Spice Girls album

12. I'm the youngest of five but the age gaps are big (closest in age being six years older) so sometimes it was like having multiple sets of parents.
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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2013, 11:57:46 AM »

4. When I was a child I used to snore so bad/loud that I wasn't able to go to sleepovers at people's houses and when I did their parents would usually comment in shock about the noise. It was because I had a very small opening in my throat. I now am unable to snore because when my tonsils and adenoids were removed the doctor also removed my uvula (the hangy thing at the back of your throat) so that I would be able to sleep like a normal person.

My one year old also snores very loud and has been a mouth breather ever since he was born, his mouth are always hanging open since he breathes through the mouth. X-ray confirmed that he has big adenoids and Doctor said it has to be removed. But he was only 10 months old when diagnosed, right now 2 months after we are still debating if we should do the surgery or not.
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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2013, 03:02:26 PM »

Wow, it seems like I have to introduce a lot of you to the wonderful world of roasted veggies. Carrots, broccoli and tomatoes taste AWESOME roasted. lol

A few more facts from me after reading some of yours and getting ideas. lol

All music edition.

~ My very first concert was Duran Duran and the very first CD I bought was Kilroy was Here by Styx. I was a brief metal head because my junior high best friend LOVED old school heavy metal.

~ The only two groups I would pay more than $50 to see in concert are BSB and Duran Duran (Actually I might even lower that to $20 lol)

~ I still do not have a copy of IAWLT.

~ I haven't heard any of the boys solo CD's except for Nick's. Maybe I've heard a snippet of a song here or there in passing but I'm not really interested in any of them solo and if they broke up I probably wouldn't be interested in following any of them afterwards.

~ The only memorabilia I own from BSB is a program from their Never Gone Tour. Although I did purchase three golf gloves at Brian's HHC event. I sent the one Kevin signed to Maria, Mersey got the one AJ signed and I kept Brian's since it was his event.

~ Even though I am a music teacher, I really don't listen to a whole lot of music. When I get home I prefer the TV as background noise or just peace and quiet.

~ With the exception of BSB, I really do not like any boybands. AT ALL lol

~ I am a terrible guitar player, like really awful. lmao

~ I taught myself how to play the piano.

~ Kind of like Saka's cheerleading squad, all throughout high school I belonged to a Madrigal Group that frequently competed against college groups and won. It just kind of happened that in our little group about half of us went on to be music majors. lol

~ I was involved in SO many musical activities in HS that by my senior year, I didn't even have a lunch break. I actually had to ask for permission to eat lunch during my music theory class.

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Master of Havoc
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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2013, 06:24:47 PM »

OMG!  And you've managed to survive without your uvula, too?!

I sometimes wonder how I'm still alive lol
~Maple Jellybean~

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 06:34:03 PM »

My one year old also snores very loud and has been a mouth breather ever since he was born, his mouth are always hanging open since he breathes through the mouth. X-ray confirmed that he has big adenoids and Doctor said it has to be removed. But he was only 10 months old when diagnosed, right now 2 months after we are still debating if we should do the surgery or not.

Speaking from someone who was plagued with that issue, I would have loved it if my parents had done it earlier. I was a teenager when I had it done and by that point I was sick more than I was healthy, I constantly had throat and severe ear infections and had difficulty breathing because my tonsils and adenoids had grown so big. It's definitely scary to think of a baby having surgery but at least he won't remember the recovery.

It definitely does require some adjustments, though. In my case had to change the way I chew bc your uvula prevents you from choking by letting you know when something is in your throat, I don't have that so I have to be careful. But Saka-Steph can attest to the fact that I no longer snore! Lol
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.


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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2013, 09:03:47 PM »

~ With the exception of BSB, I really do not like any boybands. AT ALL lol

Wow Mare, I'm a boyband  junkie  lol


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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2013, 10:03:53 PM »

11. My first cd ever was a Spice Girls album

Same!! I saved all my allowance for weeks to be able to buy it LOL.
~Saka ♥

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2013, 12:41:10 AM »

The first CD I ever bought with my own money was Drew's Famous Smash hits. Ironically QPG was on there. Had no idea til my mom bought me a cassette tape of BSB's album. I played that thing so much I broke it.


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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2013, 02:16:55 AM »

Same!! I saved all my allowance for weeks to be able to buy it LOL.

Mine was a Christmas present with my very first CD player.

Wow, you know this so dates us LOL.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

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Re: Things we don't know about you
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2013, 05:37:43 AM »

I feel so old compared to you lot lol! My first album was on vinyl :)
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