Yeah, I do think some teachers assume that those kids just get away with doing whatever they want, when really it's that I try to pick my battles and let them have time to calm down when they need it instead of getting in their face and nagging/criticizing every little thing they do wrong. That's how I've had the most success with difficult students, although they definitely still test my patience LOL.
The Nick concert was good! I absolutely love the type of venues he's performing in, theaters with great lighting and acoustics and seats that are super close to the stage. We were Row D, which I assumed was fourth row, but it was actually the second row of seats behind a very small pit section, so we had a fantastic view! My pictures turned out so good. He cut out a bunch of songs from the set he performed last year without adding anything new, though, which was kind of annoying. I wouldn't have minded him changing up the set list if he was going to sing different stuff, but it was just a shorter version of the same show I saw last year in Nashville. That was only the second show of the tour last year, so maybe he realized it was too much and cut back. I'm sure it's an adjustment singing a whole concert solo when you're used to having four other singers on stage with you. I was worried "You Shook Me All Night Long" was going to wreck his voice last year, so I'm not surprised that one got cut. But it was disappointing that he cut out some of the other covers and solo songs and kept all the BSB songs he's been doing. I really don't need to hear him sing Everybody, I Want It That Way, QPG, etc. by himself. But it was still a really fun show, and he was amazing as always! And in my post-concert depression, I bought tickets to see him again in Vegas in November, so I can't complain!
Congrats to your Mets! I haven't been following the postseason all that closely since my Cubbies aren't in it, but I did catch their big win the other night and was glad to see them take out the Brewers. It's always fun to see an underdog wild card team make it far into the playoffs. I hope they go all the way!
Congrats on hitting 5000 too! And posting your new story! I'm enjoying a relaxing weekend at home and trying to get some writing done after half-assing it to keep the streak alive for the past couple weeks. I'm writing about a ski trip when I've never been skiing before, so it's a hard thing to half-ass. And now I keep getting Facebook ads for Aspen ski resorts from all the research I've been doing LOL.