Weird that you were to post this today because these past couple of days I've been getting on AC and going "Where the hell are Steph's stories!?!?!?! I need them!" and I'm sad everytime there's not an update. I was gonna message you to see what was up, but now I know!
And loss of motivation is totally normal. I'm a bit in a rut myself. I know exactly what I want to happen, but actually getting it down is a problem. Like Mel, I sometimes reread a couple chapters to get me back in the mood, and like Ash I wait a couple of days and try and rework scenes in my head to see if I can make them more interesting, and thus more fun to write. Don't worry, you'll get back into the swing of things, it just might take a week or so
But uh, I'm waiting... *cough*patiently*cough* for an update, so no pressure or anything lol!