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 on: September 23, 2023, 08:11:17 PM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by RokofAges75
I have not read Mr. Mercedes, so I will hold off on Holly.  I didn't realize it was related, so thanks!

I was happy to see your tweet the other day about writing again!  I hope you give it a shot!  Archive of Our Own is the site we all moved over to. https://archiveofourown.org/  If your computer doesn't have Word, use Google Docs!  It's very similar to Word and saves automatically, which is nice - no more risk of losing stuff if the computer randomly shuts down.  It will open Word docs, so you can upload your old documents to Google Drive if you want to look at anything you had in progress.  It's a bit of an adjustment at first, but once you get used to it, you won't even want to go back to Word.  My computer doesn't have Word either, and I don't miss it.  OpenOffice is another word processor you can download for free if you don't like Google Docs.

 on: September 21, 2023, 11:47:59 AM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by mare
I’m so glad you’re reading the Five People You Meet in Heaven, Steph! It’s one of the few books I’ve read many many times. It lifts me up when I’m feeling down.

I enjoyed FairyTale but I know what you’re both talking about.

Julie, you probably shouldn’t read Holly, unless you’ve read the Mr. Mercedes trilogy. I haven’t read Holly yet but I’m looking forward to it, although I heard that’s it’s a bit on the gory side.

I haven’t been here in a while. It was nice seeing some semi recent postings. I think I might start writing again. I don’t sleep at all at night so I might as well try my hand at writing again. I don’t remember the name of that site we all moved over too lol I’m so rusty. I’m not even sure if my computer has Word. 🤷‍♀️

 on: September 12, 2023, 09:41:05 AM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by Carter-Orange
Some of his books I've got through quicker than others.  I've seen that he has a new book, I may get the sample on Kindle to see what it's like.

 on: September 09, 2023, 09:37:52 PM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by RokofAges75
Ugh, I still haven't finished Fairy Tale!  Stephen King just released a new novel, and I want to read it, but I won't let myself until I finish Fairy Tale... and then I'm afraid to because some of his books take me so long to finish.  I took forever to finish "It" a few years back, too.  I feel like I may need to switch gears and read something faster-paced for my next book.

 on: August 29, 2023, 08:26:08 AM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by Carter-Orange
This is me!  I read in bed, and it makes me so sleepy, I usually only get through a few pages at a time.  I'm currently in the middle of Stephen King's "Fairy Tale."  I really liked the first part of it, but I'm struggling to stay interested through the middle, so it's taking me forever to finish it.

I was exactly the same with Fairy Tale, loved it until about halfway through and then really struggled to keep going.  I did stick with it and it got better towards the end.  Took me months to read it though! 

I still only read a few pages when I go to bed and I'm tired.

I'm now reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom as I think I saw that Mare had enjoyed it, and it came up on Kindle for 99p so not much to lose if I don't like it.  I'm about 30% into it and enjoying it so far.

 on: August 16, 2023, 08:14:28 PM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by RokofAges75
It's still taking me forever to read a book as I only read a couple of pages a night when I go to bed.

This is me!  I read in bed, and it makes me so sleepy, I usually only get through a few pages at a time.  I'm currently in the middle of Stephen King's "Fairy Tale."  I really liked the first part of it, but I'm struggling to stay interested through the middle, so it's taking me forever to finish it.

 on: August 07, 2023, 06:44:09 AM 
Started by Carter-Orange - Last post by Carter-Orange
I'm currently reading Daisy Jones & The Six as I absolutely loved the TV series.  I'm enjoying it, but I think if I hadn't seen the TV show I would've found it a bit strange with the way it's written. 

It's still taking me forever to read a book as I only read a couple of pages a night when I go to bed.

 on: August 22, 2022, 10:30:25 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by Carter-Orange
Yay!  2019 was so long ago, you deserve to see them again!  The DNA show is so fantastic.  I went to one of the kick-off shows in Vegas in April, and then I ended up seeing them four times in July... two planned shows that I'd had tickets for since 2020, and two spontaneous shows that I bought tickets for the day of or day before LOL.  I was so afraid one of them was going to get Covid and have to cancel a show, I ended up going to every show within a 4-hour drive, and I have no regrets!

Wow, that's amazing! And after waiting so long to see them, why not treat yourself :) I'd certainly do it if I could

 on: August 19, 2022, 10:43:13 PM 
Started by mare - Last post by RokofAges75
Yay!  2019 was so long ago, you deserve to see them again!  The DNA show is so fantastic.  I went to one of the kick-off shows in Vegas in April, and then I ended up seeing them four times in July... two planned shows that I'd had tickets for since 2020, and two spontaneous shows that I bought tickets for the day of or day before LOL.  I was so afraid one of them was going to get Covid and have to cancel a show, I ended up going to every show within a 4-hour drive, and I have no regrets!

 on: August 19, 2022, 06:54:44 AM 
Started by mare - Last post by Carter-Orange
Even though I saw the DNA show back in 2019, when I saw they were coming back to the UK I couldn't resist booking.  So I'm seeing them in November in Manchester and can't wait!

Have you seen the show over there yet?

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