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Alias: delicate_creature [Contact]
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Member since: 02/21/15
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Stories by delicate_creature
Summary: Indeed..soon fled!
My lovely creatures whom
Bestow their smoky gowns
And feathered a belief
..death was actually sacred...

Nick and AJ thought they have it all in their seemingly perfect world. But when an illness that plagues them both what happens when they try to cure each other or less so themselves.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 5267
Read Count: 9400

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03/13/18 » Updated: 04/15/18
Game of Lions by delicate_creature Rated: R [ - ]
Summary: Nick and Rosalind always had a difficult relationship. When they unexpectedly have a child they seem more apart. Desperate, they consult a mysterious man and sign a powerful contract giving them ownership to each other's bodies..with severe and unforeseen results.. Will they save their relationship? And how far is too far??
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 2850
Read Count: 5560

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07/08/15 » Updated: 08/12/15
Summary: Even upon a strong heart comes with a faltering line between life and for death.

Nick had always loved his life, career and his brothers. But when the destruction of backstreet boys falls apart,the death of someone whom he loves and a downward spiral in his mind...he is left with a decision that could change it all.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 19047
Read Count: 25145

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02/21/15 » Updated: 03/11/15